Paper 14 - Session title: Virtual Research Environment
15:00 Combining EO data with path planning algorithms to optimise ship routes in Arctic regions
Pace, Gaetano (1); Mustafee, Indranil (2); Bujar, Marcin (2) 1: CGI Italy s.r.l., Italy; 2: CGI IT UK Ltd
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Paper 34 - Session title: Virtual Research Environment
14:15 the Fablab network for geodata-driven innovation – by leveraging Space data in particular, in universities 2.0
Lattes, Philippe (1); Mothe, Josiane (2) 1: Aerospace Valley, France; 2: University of Toulouse III
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Paper 45 - Session title: Virtual Research Environment
14:45 Data discovery and access services for JASMIN - key components in delivering a platform for Open Science
Pryor, Matt (1,2,3); Kershaw, Philip (1,2,3); Bennett, Victoria (1,2,3); Pritchard, Matt (1,2,3); Stephens, Ag (1,2,4); Tsaousis, Kleanthis (1,2); Churchill, Jonathan (2) 1: Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, UK; 2: Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK; 3: National Centre for Earth Observation, UK; 4: National Centre for Atmospheric Science, UK
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Paper 62 - Session title: Virtual Research Environment
14:30 Co-Operative Earth Observation in EODC – From data to operational services
Mücke, Werner (1); Aspetsberger, Michael (2); Wagner, Wolfgang (3); Vuolo, Francesco (4); Atzberger, Clement (4); Monsorno, Roberto (5); Briese, Christian (1) 1: EODC GmbH, Austria; 2: Catalysts GmbH, Austria; 3: Vienna University of Technology, Austria; 4: University of Life Sciences, Austria; 5: EURAC Research, Italy
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Paper 77 - Session title: Virtual Research Environment
14:00 KeyNotes B2 Supporting Research through "Desktop as a Service" models of e-infrastructure
Wallom, David Oxford e-Research Centre, United Kingdom
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